Maddy Zimmermann

Maddy Zimmermann

Teaches: Snowboard - General, Freestyle
Home Mountain: Test Mountain, Bennington, NH
Gender: Female
Certifications: None
Years Teaching: 0.0
Years at Test Mountain: 0.0
Certifications: None
Years Teaching: 0.0
Years at Test Mountain: 0.0


I have been snowboarding for 11 years, all of which my home mountain has been Crotched.

I ride a Never Summer Onxy with Union Trilogy bindings.

My favorite trails at Crotched are Pluto’s Plunge and Super Nova.

When I’m not instructing I enjoy running, hiking, yoga, and going to the beach.



I have been snowboarding for 11 years, all of which my home mountain has been Crotched.

I ride a Never Summer Onxy with Union Trilogy bindings.

My favorite trails at Crotched are Pluto’s Plunge and Super Nova.

When I’m not instructing I enjoy running, hiking, yoga, and going to the beach.


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