Zachary Strimling

Zachary Strimling

Teaches: Ski - Alpine
Home Mountain: Test Mountain, Bennington, NH
Gender: Male
Certifications: None
Years Teaching: 0.0
Years at Test Mountain: 0.0
Certifications: None
Years Teaching: 0.0
Years at Test Mountain: 0.0


I'm Zachary Strimling an alpine skiing instructor at Crotched Mountain in New Hampshire. I have been on skis as long as I can remember and currently also am a member of the Bedford High School Race Team. This is my second year teaching skiing at Crotched mountain so far. I started teaching skiing to help spread the sport of skiing to other people. 



I'm Zachary Strimling an alpine skiing instructor at Crotched Mountain in New Hampshire. I have been on skis as long as I can remember and currently also am a member of the Bedford High School Race Team. This is my second year teaching skiing at Crotched mountain so far. I started teaching skiing to help spread the sport of skiing to other people. 


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